Stan Lee: One Man did Make a Difference!!!
I can’t find the words to express the utter shock and sadness I feel over the passing of a true superhero Mr. Stan Lee.
I would like to express my gratitude to a man that taught me lessons about friendship, relationships, accountability and responsibility and how those lessons gave me a sense of happiness that developed into a life long passion in comics, movies, etc..
Growing up I couldn’t play sports, I wasn’t very smart and the girls I went to school with all thought I was weird. I felt like crap everyday and I feared it was going to lead me down a dangerous path. However that changed when I started watching shows like Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and the 90’s Spider-Man Show. I developed a genuine love for these characters because they were relatable and they taught me no matter how bad things may seem there’s always hope. I especially felt an attachment to Spider-Man/Peter Parker. The fact that he was an underdog like me made me feel like I was watching myself and I especially loved that in every Spider-Man animated episode, Peter learned to love himself a little bit more despite what people thought of him. My favorite shows to this day are The Avengers - Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ultimate Spiderman because they continued to teach lifelong lessons that all Marvel fans, young and old ,could relate too.
Every Cameo Stan Lee has every done. Courtesy of SuperHeroesEvolution
Stan Lee did more than work behind the scenes, his many cameos in many Marvel movies made the MCU more impactful and without him the MCU wouldn’t be the box office hit it is now. Furthermore if not for him I wouldn’t have a job with Region 99 where I discuss and write about movies, comics, anime and how they impact both society and the world.
There is one last thing I need to say and that is Thank you, Stan Lee,
Thank you for creating so many beloved characters that still make us cheer. Thank you for looking out for people like me and giving us something to love whether it was comic books or cartoons, you opened the creative minds and imaginations of millions of people to pursue a similar interest.
Thank you for teaching me that true heroism is not about being the strongest guy, but having the strongest set of morals. I live my life by doing the right thing and seeing the good in everyone and I have you to thank for teaching me that.
Thank you for your many cameos in many beloved Marvel movies and shows, your final cameo in Avengers 4 is going to be that much more memorable.
Rest In Peace Stan Lee. You will always live on through your characters and all your fans.