Free Comic Book Day 2021: August Edition

A staple of geek culture, an unofficial nerd’s national holiday, I decided to visit 3 comic book stores to not only grab free issues, but also look at some collectible merchandise that’s only released on FCBD. This story however, is my FCBD experience at Fortress of Solitude.

T-DOZA, Wall Street Bets and the Stock of a Lifetime!!!

If You Were a Member of Wall Street Bets, You Were Both, The Owner And The Trader…

If you were down, we were down together, if you were up, we were up together. Other’s accomplishments were our wins and we loved every minute of it. As we showcased our gains we also treated our losses better than the wins. Our losses were called “loss porn” showcasing our defeats so much that we too, felt the sting of it. And here it was, wall street’s finest mingling with the common man for all things stocks, bonds, options and “retarded-ness” and I was loving every minute of it.

Noir Caesar Entertainment: Are They Still a Viable Black Manga and Anime’ Resource?

On November 18, 2017, I ventured to Anime NYC to see the best and brightest in anime and manga at the Jacob Javitz Center and while I was there, I saw, for the first time, a Black owned manga company named Noir Caesar Entertainment. As I laid glimpse on the company, I though to myself, this was the golden child, but then I said some conflicts that made me question the company. I hope I’m wrong on the matter.