A Hero By Any Other Color

As a middle class white kid, I grew up having thousands of characters I could relate to or see myself as, while my friend Maya Hanks had maybe three. Possibly, If a Black child sees Superman, he dreams of being LIKE him. But if a Black child sees Black Panther, he dreams he could BE him. Representation is exceptionally important, especially for people of color in this country…

Jake_cosplays - Ultra Instinct Cosplayer!!!

As I was at Essex Junction in Bloomfield, NJ; USA, scrolling through the ‘gram, observing the wonderful cosplay digitally, there was this cosplayer, whose rendition of Sasuke was spot on. He was able to cover the famed anime’ protagonist/antagonist with such flare that I started following him.  As I continued to admire his cosplay, he started venturing into other cosplay characters; from Itachi from the famed series, Naruto, to Negan from AMC’s Walking Dead, to resembling a Mob Boss in the famed Power series (assuming here); his incorporation of the right photographers, lighting and attention to detail in their environment was more than enough for Region 99 to contact him and investigate the reason why he’s so dedicated to his craft…. This is Jake_cosplays and this is his story.

Ghost: A New Face for #girlpower #blackgirlmagic in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In 2018, more women are assuming lead roles in movies and are finally getting the acknowledgement they deserve for those roles. In the Movie: Ant-Man and The Wasp the, Marvel Cinematic Universe welcomes Ghost (played by Hannah John Kamen). Now while the Ghost of the Marvel Cinematic Universe adopts a new progressive spin from the comic book version, this MCU villain does not get the same focus fitting her status as other MCU baddies.

 Keeping it Trill….A Conversation with Anthony Piper.

I never heard of Trill League… until I saw the Complex article that showed how awesome Trill League was. This prompted me to purchase the digital copy of the Black Book and I was immediately hooked. This comic was so hilarious, I decided to interview the artist behind it. I introduce to you readers the all-around cool as hell person of the graphic novel Trill League, Anthony Piper.

Great Hera! Susan Eisenberg Voices A Goddess.

Since 2000, one woman has been the voice of Wonder Woman, the most iconic female superhero of all time. That voice belongs to Susan Eisenberg.

When the Justice League animated series first aired on Cartoon Network, it was the latest addition to the DC Animated Universe, which had already seen the likes of Batman: The Animated Series, Superman, and Batman Beyond. Superman and Batman had been on the contemporary small screen for years, but it wasn’t until Justice League did fans get to see and hear the iconic Wonder Woman. To this day, when you ask a fan who their Wonder Woman is, Ms. Eisenberg’s portrayal is the one that comes to mind.

I was fortunate to gain some insight into what it is like to voice a legendary character like Wonder Woman.

Entrepreneur, Leader, Science Enthusiast: The Rise of Dawn Hockaday

Dawn Hockaday is the CEO of Sista Ink Magazine and Supernova Creative Studios. Her rise from working in media as a marketing and promotions agent to CEO was very arduous. Dedicated to being herself and staying true to her soul, Dawn has become a force in the media industry by always focusing on the client and their needs. Dawn’s work is the true embodiment of what it means to never give up in the face of adversity and inequality.

Eat. Sleep. Draw. The Life of Paul Walcott

Paul’s influences are a combination of both American comic books and Japanese manga. He is a man, who bleeds creativity, is full of imagination and speaks art. He is a serious illustrator who was trained under the House of Kubert (The Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art) and his illustrations have a style that resembles both Japanese manga and American comic books. Following the mantra “Eat-Sleep-Draw”, Paul’s ability is in high demand as people far and wide ask and are willing to pay great money for his commissioned pieces.Paul Walcott’s contribution, to the comic book industry offers a belief that pursuing your dream in the comic book empire can still come true.

Jesse Cohen: Wize Guy

 A hard man to contact, a series of phone calls for two weeks was all it took to interview one of the greatest collectible sellers along the east coast. Since seven to eight years of age, he has been selling collectibles, such as trading cards and comic books to his peers. It was when he obtained an “epic comic book collection” as he calls it, that he started  building his comic channels, by creating a network with various comic book stores and his customers.

Interview with an Artist: Tatiana Battle

On Friday, July 17th, 2015, an artist walked into Merseles Studios, in Jersey City. As she walked up the stairs, she was met by a person who was holding a Casting Call for artists. This casting call was unlike any other. It was an opportunity for an up and coming artist to showcase their work in one of the most popularized trade shows in America...with her fiery determination and portfolio in tow, she was prepared for an opportunity of a lifetime which was the equivalent to an artist’s version of American Idol.